This is the Year to Tell Your Story

Many thanks to all who have purchased Little Sister, A Family Memoir, since its publication last September. And a million thanks for who have sent comments. Many say they relate to the stories in it about growing up in the 1950s. You all warm my ink-stained heart.

It’s been about ten years since I published my first book. I’ve met a lot of readers…and writers since then. Whether I’m speaking to groups or sitting at a table signing books, people seem to want to chat.

Often someone will ask how I got started writing. A few minutes into the conversation I realize what they really want to ask is, “How can I begin writing?”

I love those exchanges because they are so personal. Sometimes others will scoff at your dreams, so it’s hard to admit you want to write your memoir or have an idea for a bestselling novel. By telling me, they’re exposing a secret side of themselves, and we’re no longer strangers, but friends with a shared interest.

Let me encourage you, if you have a desire to write, 2025 is the year to begin. I published Little Sister after decades of stalling. I’m glad I did it now because memories fade and opportunities slip away much too quickly.

Most of us don’t feel qualified to be writers. But if a story is begging to be told, who’s more qualified to tell it than you? It’s sad to think of all the history that has been lost because someone was embarrassed by their grammar or spelling. Those things can be corrected, but only you can tell your story.

One way to begin writing is to keep a journal or diary. That way, you learn to write regularly and how to record your thoughts without the pressure of showing it to others. Sometimes the smallest details you write down become important decades later. Keep in mind that today’s mundane events become tomorrow’s history.

A great example of the usefulness of a journal can be is found in Dr. David Livingstone’s story. He kept a journal all of his life. He began working in a cotton mill in Scotland when he was ten. As a boy, he was in church working the bellows of the organ when he felt God calling him to Africa. Perhaps every Sunday he wrote in his diary, “I worked the organ bellows again today.” And then in one defining moment, the direction of his life changed from factory worker to future missionary. We know the details of that encounter and his exceptional life as a missionary and explorer because of the record he kept.

If you want to start journaling, here are some tips: Ask God to direct you. Choose a time and place to record your thoughts. You can write in a notebook or on your computer. Forget the flowery beginning and simply launch into comments about your day or week. Record the date and what happened and when and where. Why was it important? How did it make you feel?

To start writing down your memories try this: Don’t attempt to tell your whole life story, instead focus on one special memory. The happiest or saddest day of your life. A moment that changed your life’s course. Is your faith important to you? Why? What is your favorite scripture or saying? What advice would you give the next generation?

If you’re inspired to keep a journal, begin writing a memoir or launch into a novel that’s been on your mind, please let me know!


Writing Update

As the holidays neared, some of my writing friends and I realized we had all published recently. We decided to celebrate with a Christmas Coffee at the Bismarck Public Library in December. We were excited and blessed to talk about our writing to a room full of people. Pictured here are five of the six recently published authors.

You can obtain a copy of Little Sister, A Family Memoir at At this time, it is sold out in Bismarck, but I hope to have them restocked by Valentine’s Day.

My other five books can be found at all online bookstores.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall director your paths. Psalm 3:5-6



A Christmas Message in the Sky

As I write this, we are well into the ho-ho-holiday season. Thanksgiving is a distant memory, although it was less than two weeks ago. On the horizon, a family birthday, an exciting author event, a series of parties, a wedding, a baby shower, and finally, the holiest twenty-four hours of the year, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. All of this is packed into the few weeks before we reach 2025.

There haven’t been many quiet Christmases in my life. When I was growing up, my siblings were already raising families (as told in my recent book, Little Sister, A Family Memoir). After we moved to town, everyone that lived nearby came to our house for Christmas Eve. By then, Dad had to give up his precious lutefisk and oyster stew Christmas Eve supper. Mom still rolled out homemade lefsa. And she and the other women made their best holiday dishes, while the men brought the eggnog. There’d be hot German potato salad, ham, pressed chicken, sloppy Joes, and a wide assortment of salads and cookies.

One year I counted twelve adults and fourteen children in our small house. The adults talked, laughed and joked as they jostled babies on their laps. The other kids darted around the house playing games. At some point, the noise, warmth and cigarette smoke got to me. I slipped into my coat and out the front door.

The outside air was refreshingly cold and the sky, cloudless. The moon and stars stood out clearly, and the Milky Way formed a wide band across the sky. I began strolling up the street, my face turned toward the wonder of the night sky.

Little angels at our church two years ago.

It wasn’t hard to imagine the star of Bethlehem. It wasn’t hard to believe in the birth of a special baby over 2,000 years ago. It wasn’t hard to understand there was a God in heaven who watches over us. The words of a Christmas song soared in my heart. It came upon a midnight clear, That glorious song of old, From angels bending near the earth, To touch their harps of gold. Peace on the earth, good will to men, From heaven’s all-gracious King. The world in solemn stillness lay, To hear the angels sing.

For many years after that, I continued to slip out alone on Christmas Eve to view the night sky. The vast universe moving in its majesty brought the sacredness of Christmas home to my soul in a way that jolly activities never could.

I hope you will find a few moments to escape the busyness of the season and look up to find a message from the King of kings in the night sky.

It is the LORD who created the stars, the Pleiades and Orion.

He turns darkness into morning and day into night.

He draws up water from the oceans and pours it down as rain on the land.

The LORD is his name! Amos 5:8 NLT

Writing Update

Little Sister, A Family Memoir has been out for a couple months now. Thank you to all who promptly ordered copies! Since then, so many have phoned, emailed, messaged or sent notes. I can’t tell you how much your responses bless me.

Little Sister and my other books are gentle reads that make great Christmas gifts. If you hurry, it isn’t too late to order them from Amazon, Barnes & Noble or other online stores. Just go to those pages and look for Gayle Larson Schuck.

My last event of the season is Christmas Coffee with the Authors on December 14 in the Missouri River Room at Bismarck Public Library. Four other authors and I are celebrating our published book. If you are in the area, please stop by.


May your days be happy and bright, and filled with the love and peace

that can be found in our Savior!




Little Sister’s Thanksgiving Musings

I’m pleased to announce that Little Sister, a Family Memoir is available on Amazon and in select stores in Bismarck. To celebrate its publication, I recently spent some time in St. Paul with my nieces. One of them made the delicious Little Sister shortbread cookies shown on this page. It was such a thoughtful gift, I may have to get a book cookie cutter and learn to make them.

Little Sister is filled with personal stories that my siblings told about growing up in the 1930s and 40s, and also the stories I remember from the 1950s. Many of the tales were shared around my parents’ kitchen table over cups of Folgers. Not all of the stories are happy. Our family was faced with a series of crises when I was young. Writing gave me new perspective on our lives back then. All of the stories are set in an era that is gone.

Since my six siblings and their spouses have all passed on, their stories are being lost. But now, at least some of them will be preserved. I’m so grateful to the early readers who have given me feedback. They’ve said they can relate to the stories, that they laughed and sometimes shed a few tears while reading the book.

I’ve been working on Little Sister for the last couple years, but it’s been on my heart much longer than that. In fact, I found a notebook from the 1970s declaring that I would write the family’s story. I expected to do that fifty years ago, but life got in the way. More recently I used a childhood diary, begged information from my nieces and nephews, and perused historical documents to lay down the best story I could.

And then there were the photos. After sifting through hundreds of old photos, I wanted to include each one. In the end, a mere sixty are in the book. Little Sister is my memoir and the Larson family history set in our hometown of LaMoure, N.D. But it is also about living in the Heartland, and could be anyone’s story.

Please consider giving Little Sister as a gift to someone who might relate to growing up in the 1950s, in the Midwest, or who was the youngest in their family. To purchase copies go to: Little Sister: Schuck, Gayle Larson: 9781737257127: Books. You can also contact me for signed copies.

Writing Update 

These are the events on my calendar:

  • Nov. 10, Capital Christian Church in Bismarck, I’m speaking at the 50 Plus Thanksgiving potluck in the afternoon
  • Nov. 19, Touchmark Vendor Show in Bismarck, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • November 30, 7th Annual Stop n Shop Holiday Vendor Show, Bismarck Amvets
  • December 14, Bismarck Public Library/ Five local authors present their recent books

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving doesn’t get much press these days. Wedged between Halloween candy and Christmas festivities, it’s become “Friendsgiving Day” or “Turkey Day.”

Let’s do what we can to preserve the original intent of this national holiday that is dedicated to thanking God for his favor and blessing on our nation. Here’s a sample prayer for your thanks-giving gathering:

God, we thank you for the blessing and joy of family. Thank you for those who are gathered with us today and those who are far away. May we all see the many ways you provide for us, comfort us and protect us. Thank you for the beauty that surrounds us and the bounty of food before us. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen.


“Oh, give thanks to the God of heaven! For His mercy endures forever.” Psalm 136:26 NKJ




Announcing “Little Sister, a Family Memoir”

I’m pleased to announce that my sixth book has been published.

I’ve been working on Little Sister, a Family Memoir for the last couple years, but in reality, it’s been on my heart much longer than that. As I wrote it, I pillaged a lifetime of notebooks and files in my office and found personal stories, bits of history and photos. Some of the book is funny, but some might make you cry. And, while it’s my memoir, it’s also the Larson family history set in my hometown of LaMoure, N.D.

To give you a taste of the book, I’m including an excerpt from Little Sister at the end of this blog post. I hope you’ll read it and give me some feedback. The book is only available on Amazon at this time. Look for it under Gayle Larson Schuck. Or contact me to order a signed copy, which will be available after Oct. 15.

Another reason I’m celebrating this fall is this is my 90th blog post! The first one was published in 2015.  I remember when I first heard the word “blog,” which is short for Web Log. That was in the late 1990s and it didn’t seem like an idea that would fly far. Boy, was I wrong. Blogs have become a standard form of communication. Thank you to everyone for sticking with me and not hitting the unsubscribe button.

I had fun speaking at the Touchmark Ladies Night on Sept. 24. There was a nice turnout and so many old friends chose to attend. I talked about writing Little Sister and gave tips for writing their own memoirs. I hope to include those tips in a future blog post. We all have stories that should be recorded. I encourage you to also keep a journal, because today’s mundane events become tomorrow’s history. Thank you to my friend Connie who took this photo.

Writing Update 

These are the book signings that are planned at this time:

October 26, Wilton Fall Fling, Wilton, ND

November 30, 7th Annual Stop n Shop Holiday Vendor Show, Bismarck Amvets

Date TBD Touchmark, Bismarck


The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8


Now here is an excerpt from the introduction of Little Sister, A Family Memoir:

From the beginning, I had an inner sense of being set apart, like a yellow tulip in a field of red. I was one of the Larson kids, and yet I wasn’t. This understanding has always influenced my life. The set-apart feeling also added to my insecurities. 

As a child, I suspiciously thought I was adopted. What else would explain my strange place in the family? Finally, a copy of my birth certificate and pure logic put that idea to rest.

Being the baby of the family, and being born a generation later than my siblings, had advantages. They were old enough to have their own incomes, and they gave me lots of gifts. While the family had no luxuries, I had an abundance of toys.

Today, I see another benefit. The adults often forgot I was in the room. I listened to many private conversations as I quietly played with a toy. There wasn’t much else going on in my world. We had no television or computer. The nearest neighborhood children were two miles away. I memorized my surroundings, recorded discussions in my head, and internalized the emotional climate around me.

For a long time, I tried to catch up with my siblings. However, all six of them were married by the time I was ten. By then I was drinking coffee with my sisters and sisters-in-law, and listening to their grownup talk about money, kids and recipes. At that age, I already had eleven nieces and nephews, who were much closer to me in age. They dubbed me Auntie Gayle.

After my mother died in 1986, the rest of my siblings tussled over a cowbell they all wanted as a keepsake. I didn’t even remember the cowbell. I wanted the green sherbet dishes that meant nothing to the rest of them. I was the only one who knew what had become of the four-hundred-day clocks that Bob and Jerry sent home when they were stationed in Europe.

It wasn’t just our childhood memories that separated us. Our teen years were vastly different. They were products of the Depression and World War II. My sisters grew up obedient, practical, and responsible. My brothers were fun loving, but before their voices changed they went to work for neighbors to earn a little money. 

By comparison, I was a product of the promising fifties and rebellious sixties. To my siblings, if you dropped acid, you probably had an accident while working with a battery. By the time I came of age, it was a common term of the drug-laced counterculture of the sixties. I didn’t drop either one.

I almost caught up with my siblings. I married and had two sons before I was twenty years old. Our sons fit in well near the tail end of my parents’ twenty-three grandchildren.     

It wasn’t until I was in my thirties, that it became plain that I would always be a generation behind my siblings. There was no catching up. They were now in their fifties, becoming grandparents and dealing with health issues. I was still taking college classes.

If it was my lot in life to be set apart from my siblings, then it was my privilege to be their Little Sister. They were more than my sisters and brothers, they were my friends and heroes.








Looking Back, Moving Forward

The United States of America will celebrate its 248th birthday on July Fourth. In just two years, we will be 250 years old. It might take that long to learn how to pronounce “semiquincentennial,” but stay alert, many events are already planned for that year. The theme is “Looking back, moving forward.”

The Fourth is my birthday, too, and I’m also looking back and moving forward. By comparison, I’m a spring chick, but age 75 is a milestone that causes me to pause.

With this on my mind, I recently googled “old age” to see if I’d arrived yet. My friend “Bing” explained that old age comes in three stages.

Young-old age is 65-74

Middle-old age is 75-84

Old-old age is over 85

I’m reluctantly but gratefully passing into a new era. There was a time I didn’t know if I’d live to see even young-old age. After all, half of my siblings didn’t make it out of their 50s. But, don’t call me elderly, yet.

Last year I wrote a piece about what is wrong with my body at this age. After writing a page full of the ailments in my head and neck alone, I gave up. By the time I’d get to my inflamed toenails, even I wouldn’t have been able to stomach reading it. The truth is as we get older we just need more repair and maintenance to keep our body running. offers an endless list of famous people who are old-old, having passed age 90. They still dress up, go to work (mostly at acting or writing), and do their own shopping. In 2024, an estimated 101,000 people in the U.S. will be 100 years or older! That means we better take care of ourselves.

There is a lot of advice about how to stay healthy enough to reach old-old age. Most of us already know these tips. Eat healthy, drink lots of water, exercise, don’t stress, and get plenty of sleep. Maintaining our appearance will also help us have a better attitude, so dress well, get a magic haircut and a manicure or pedicure.

But there’s more to us than our bodies. We are spiritual beings, and nourishing our spirits will do wonders for our quality of life. That is the best way to help us age gracefully and reflect our inner beauty.

Psalm 90:12 offers this poetic advice: “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (NKJ)

Wisdom will show us how to attend to our God-given purpose. It will prompt us to ask, what is he calling me to do even as I grow older? How can I honor him with my life? How can I make the world a better place? Finding purpose will make us eager to start each day.

First Prayer in Congress engraving by T.H .Matteson

Now back to July Fourth. There’s a reason the United States became a great nation. Before it was formed in 1776, the Founders met for a time of intense prayer, and they searched the scriptures for direction. They then based the Constitution on the Biblical principles of freedom and equality.

Our first president George Washington said, “It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the Providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and to humbly implore His protection and favor.”

Near the beginning of the Declaration of Independence are these words, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

It ends with these words: “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” Declaration of Independence: A Transcription | National Archives

As we celebrate Independence Day, it would be wise for us to take time to read through this document. Then, every day let’s seek God’s will for our nation and for his protection and favor.

Suggested reading: America’s Godly Heritage by David Barton and The History of Prayer in America by Fern Nilson.

God Bless America and God Bless You Dear Readers!

Writing Update: I’ll be signing books at the Morton County Fair in New Salem on July 20.

Last month my essay, Plain View from the Plains, was published in the Humanities North Dakota Magazine, the Sense of Place issue. What an honor! Learn more about HND or subscribe to this twice-yearly journal at

And, may I brag a bit? My friend and college journalism teacher sent this email after reading the essay: “I’ve been wanting to express my congratulations on the excellent article you wrote for the Humanities magazine. Your description of the plains is stunning – just perfection in my mind. I like your transitions to describing the killdeers, then the transition to describing your family, and on to the end with wondering about future generations. It is such a satisfying read.” Her kind words have brought me joy all month.

During the pandemic I took some online courses on memoir writing from HND. That motivated me to write a family memoir called Little Sister. It took me years, and here is what it’s about:

As the last surviving member of my family, I wanted to record the stories that my sisters and brothers told of growing up in the 1930s and ’40s, and my own stories from the 1950s. I soon realized we are all linked to the past, so the narrative begins in the early 1900s and wraps up in the 21st Century. The book takes a poignant and humorous look at growing up a generation behind my siblings as our family faced one crisis after another. Even with the vast horizon surrounding our tumble-down farm, I had trouble imagining a future for myself. Feeling set-apart, I tried to catch up with my siblings my big hope was to live in a “normal” house and lead a normal life.

Little Sister is still in the edit and review stage. When and if it is published, I’ll be sure to let you know!


Summer is for reading good books in cozy little nooks.


A Mother’s Steadfast Love

Mother’s Day is only a few weeks away and the garden centers, clothing stores and even supermarkets are prepared. Thousands of pretty items that tug at Mom-hearts are now ready for pickup.

The volume of items and breathtaking cost must create fear in the hearts of men and children everywhere. We once knew a man with several small children and a limited budget. What could he get for his children’s mother for Mother’s Day? Perhaps a day off from cooking? So he arranged for a meal of brats and beans.

Children and fathers, you need to know: flowers and candy are nice, but it really is the thought that counts. A card with a special message, a phone call home, and even brats say “I love you.”

After my mother died, we found Mother’s Day keepsakes among her things. Cards made with glue, paper roses and construction paper, bookmarks made of ribbon and glitter. Mom, who could never utter the words “I love you,” kept these treasures for decades. They’re a reminder that words aren’t the only way to make a statement, for saving those simple items revealed her secret heart.

“Youth fades; love droops; the leaves of friendship fall; a mother’s secret hope outlives them all.”

Oliver Wendell Holmes

Some women are the essence of good motherhood, and some of us not so much. I, for one, would love to go back and redo my time as a young mother. I needed more patience and less panic. And I wish we had lived closer to the women I grew up with—especially my mother, sisters and aunts.

Currently, I’m working on a book about family. My nephew, Paul Welander, supplied an especially heartwarming story for it about his mother’s influence. As background, you should know that Paul’s mother was pregnant with him when she contracted polio in the early 1950s. The doctors gave her no hope that her baby would live or be normal, but she began to pray for this new life before he was born. Her prayers were answered!

He started his essay by saying, “I can’t hug my Mom anymore; I can’t talk with her, joke with her, or share my struggles with her, but I can share my memories of her and her steadfast love for me. It was her love for me that provided guardrails during some rebellious teen years and continues to influence my life years after her death. Mom’s love had three strong aspects which influenced my life.”

His mother always prayed for him, believed in him, and she always had time for him. So simple, so important.

He summed up the account of his mother with these words, “Perhaps you had such a mother. Even if you didn’t (or don’t), we all have such a Savior whose name is Jesus.” You’ll have to wait to read the rest of Paul’s story, and my sister Donna’s story, in my new book (if and when it’s published)!

The gifts Donna gave her son can’t be purchased, because they came from a heart of faith, hope and love. They gave him a solid foundation on which to build his life. Most of us still need that same unconditional love. It’s found in Jesus, who wants to be our Savior, but is always a wise and loving friend.

“The Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6



Writer News: I’m so pleased to have my essay “Plain View from the Plains included in the Humanities North Dakota Magazine “Sense of Place” issue. The essay actually began as an introduction to the book I’m writing, which has a working title of “Little Sister.”

My first book signing of the year will be at Bismarck’s Northbrook Vender Show in June.

Happy Mother’s Day to all!


Spring Garden Glory

Last week I had the privilege of speaking at the Women’s Connection brunch here in Bismarck. I was filling in for another speaker. With one day to prepare, I used material from my book of essays, Grace Like Snow and a couple unpublished stories. The title of my presentation was “Nurturing the Garden of Your Soul.” I talked about finding peace, hope and grace in a garden setting.

This Saturday I’ll do a similar talk at the Bismarck Garden Expo. The other speakers are horticulturalists and master gardeners. They grow vast gardens and know the Latin names of thousands of plants. Me? Not so much. We have one tiny garden, five rose bushes—assuming they all come up, and a dozen flowerpots.

Still, I offered to do a seminar on Garden Glory and they accepted. On Saturday I’ll click through my PowerPoint presentation and attempt to inspire the audience with family gardening stories.

The Women’s Connection and the Bismarck Garden Expo are happy occasions, compared to one we attended in our hometown on Easter Saturday. That day a “Celebration of Life” was held for my first cousin, Judy. The day was bittersweet. We did celebrate the life of this wonderful woman, even though our hearts were breaking.

Judy will forever be linked to my book Secrets of the Dark Closet, because she owned the house that held the Dark Closet. She also hosted a two-day book signing party for me when the book was published, for which I am indebted.

I’m writing about these three unconnected events, because one person ties them together for me. That’s my grandmother, Bessie. At Women’s Connection, I told of growing up with Judy and my other cousins. We loved to run around Grandma’s big yard and pick leaves from her mint plants. Mint has become a symbol of hope to me.

At the Garden Expo, I will tell about the mint, but also about the rich heritage of gardening that was passed down through Grandma Bessie and her mother.

Today would have been Bessie’s birthday. She was born on April 17, 1888. Although she died when I was seventeen, decades later I think about her every day.

Bessie’s influence was not in what she said, but who she was. I write about her many gardens. I write about her cheerful attitude and grandmotherly ways. It was because of these things that I ended up writing a book about the secrets from her childhood and how she overcame so much.

In our fast-paced era it’s hard to see the influence we might have on future generations, but Grandma Bessie’s example endures.

I’ll close by sharing the last paragraph of my Garden Expo talk, which I hope gives food for thought:

“Methinks that peace might reign in the world if we all tended gardens. To delight in overnight garden miracles, to bless one another with flowers and vegetables, to trade gardening tips for the new growing season. These things are real and close to the earth. They ground us in the goodness and glory of God.”

So Happy Birthday, Bessie! And Happy Spring to all of my readers! Please make time to discover the garden glory of new plants raising their heads to the spring sunshine.


Late Summer Garden Glory


“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.” – Alfred Austin.

In early September, I went outside to work in the garden. A clouded, dewy morning greeted me. It was already 70 degrees out. No wind. Too early for neighborhood mowers to cut the silence or Hemi’s to rumble into the peace. I was alone in the silent light of the season’s colorful, full-scented offerings.

Our garden was a tish past prime. The leaves on the green bean and towering tomato plants were turning brown. Still, dozens of new cherry tomatoes appeared each day. We’d already made salsa, spaghetti sauce, and dried cherry tomatoes the day we picked another 18 pounds of tomatoes.

This morning, I took out a strainer and filled it with green beans. What a wonder! From a small handful of seeds, the plants quickly outgrew the poles and fences we put up for them to climb. The beans came early and bountiful, and then they quit producing. The tops of the plants held hundreds of blossoms for a week, two weeks, three weeks. Would they ever deliver more beans? Then one morning, four-inch, five-inch, six-inch beans hung ready to be discovered and picked.

The glory of gardening is stepping into the house with green bean blossoms sprinkled in your hair and on your shirt, and a strainer full of beans in your hand. Unless you’ve reach into the viney depths of a bean patch, you might not know their leaves stick like Velcro to your clothes, or that a passel of beans can remain cleverly hidden right before your searching eyes.

For weeks, we watched swallowtail butterflies and honeybees frequent the zinnias which were in a tub right outside the back door. Sometimes finches flitted in and snitched petals from the flowers. What great entertainment for the price of a packet of seeds and a watering hose.

 “Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes.” – Anonymous

One day I went to check on the flowerpots lined up in front of the house. I was wearing a cotton t-shirt with a row of flowers across the front. Suddenly something flew at me, zipped around me and went back to the flowers. A hummingbird! But, since when do hummingbirds attack people? Upon closer inspection, the tiny winged creature was a moth that looked like a hummingbird. And apparently, it thought my shirt looked like a flower.

While writing this, two women from a different religion came to the front door to talk about faith and politics. However, they got sidetracked from their mission. We spent ten minutes talking about the African Milk Plant that lives in the shelter of our front porch. They departed after a lively discussion about gardening, their original purpose forgotten. Later my husband said that before they rang the doorbell, they snapped a photo of the room-size rose bush in our front yard.

Methinks that peace might reign in the world if we all tended gardens. To delight in overnight garden miracles, to bless one another with flowers and vegetables, to trade gardening tips for the next growing season. These things are real and close to the earth. They ground us in the goodness and glory of God.


“Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful;

they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.”  –Luther Burbank.




When Life Gives Us Thorns


Truths and roses have thorns about them. Henry David Thoreau

One of my first outdoor jobs each spring is to clean out the protective coat of oak and ash leaves piled on the rose bushes in our yard. The plants seem to like shedding their winter coats and I enjoy looking for new green shoots and branches. Plus, the rose bushes are a special blessing as they provide beautiful flowers all summer.

Roses also offer great life lessons as I learned one day. I had reached between two branches to pull out some leaves when a thorn pierced the top of my hand.

My hands are not my own these days. They’re my Grandma Bessie’s hands, full of spots and wrinkles and clearly marked with veins. The thorn stabbed me between two blood vessels. Pricking either one would have produced a fountain of blood instead of a sharp sting.

Thorns are first mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 3. They were part of the curse Adam lived under for disobeying God, and they are still a curse. Ask any gardener, farmer or rancher.

And the poor roses must feel the pain of carrying all those uncomfortable thorns. When the wind blows and the leaves rustle, they certainly are pierced by their own thorns. I wonder how you say “ouch” in rose language?

Even though we don’t like thorns, they are necessary. According to, they offer plants a defense against predators similar to the claws and teeth of animals. They give plants structural support. Also, they’re protection from extreme weather, such as hailstones that might get caught on thorns rather than hitting tender shoots.

We human often have thorns in our lives, too, and we don’t like them very much. They slow us down and sidetrack us from our plans. Or so we think. But what if the thorns in our lives were meant to defend, support and protect us?

In his book Desiring God, John Piper discusses the thorn in his life. “It makes almost everything harder, daily dogging me as I carry out my family, vocation, and ministry responsibilities — nearly everything I do. It weakens me. I often feel that I would be more effective and fruitful without it.”

Thorns and thorny situations take the pride out of us and force us to do what we should be doing anyway: relying on God. When we accept our thorns  and trust him, he will defend, support and protect us.

Saint Paul asked God three times to remove the thorn in his flesh. Finally, Paul relayed, “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’” That story is found in II Corinthians 12.

Do you have a thorn in your life? Ask God to remove it! But if he doesn’t, then perhaps it’s time to work with it rather than against it. That’s what roses do. In accepting their thorns, their true beauty is shown.


Writing Update

What a fun time we had at Turtle Days in Turtle Lake, North Dakota. Book sales were brisk, we met a lot of great people, and we got to watch the national and international (!) turtle races. If you’ve never gone to a small-town event, I highly recommend finding one to attend. It will remind you of what America is about.



God Bless the “United” States!

God Bless the United States!

As the Fourth of July approaches, red, white and blue décor is appearing everywhere. Celebrating the Fourth is always a highlight of summer.

However, the parades, parties and picnics that we plan are a big contrast to the dark news that fills the airwaves. Civil unrest, mass shootings, nuclear threats. If you listen long enough you’re sure to think the end of us is near.

What has happened to our beloved country? We no longer seem to be the United States of America. Have we forgotten that “united we stand, divided we fall.”

Recently N.D. Governor Doug Burgum said, “The nation’s enemies love it when we’re fighting with each other.” I love that quote because I often think of us as a group of children fighting among ourselves, forgetting our blessings or the danger that lurks outside the door.

Perhaps we need to go back to the vision our Founding Fathers had for our country. Before the government of the United States was formed in 1776, the founders met for prayer, and they found direction in the scriptures. When they began writing the new Constitution, they based it on the Biblical principles.

Our first president, George Washington, said, “It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the Providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and to humbly implore His protection and favor.”

So, maybe we need to look at how our nation was formed. The Founders sought God’s wisdom. Perhaps we should, too. And even though they had many conflicting viewpoints, they agreed it was for the good of everyone to work together to launch the new nation. Perhaps it’s time to lay down our own word weapons and really see what we have in common. And what we have to lose if we continue to fight each other.

As we celebrate Independence Day, let us take time to acknowledge our God, seek his will for our nation, and ask for his protection and favor. God bless America!

“Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.”

~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Writing Update

I’ll be signing books in Turtle Lake, N.D. on July 14 for Turtle Days! Three of my books take place in the general area of Turtle Lake, and I’m excited to be part of the festivities there. My table will be in the American Legion building from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you have friends or family in the area, please let them know.

Writing: I’ve been slaving over a family history project. The working title is Little Sister. I’m the last person in my generation of the Larson family and feel I need to record the family stories.

As I wrote in the Introduction: “It wasn’t until I was thirty-four years old, that I realized I would always be a generation behind my siblings. There was no catching up. They were now in their fifties, becoming grandparents and dealing with health issues. I was still taking college classes. If it was my lot in life to be set apart from my siblings, then it was my privilege to be their Little Sister. They were more than my sisters and brothers, they were my friends and heroes.”

In writing, I’m learning much about my family and about myself.

Have a great July Fourth and a wonderful summer!