
Seasonal Change Underway




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Seasonal Changes Underway


In the past month, the trees have changed from green to harvest colors. Now a very early snowstorm is gripping the whole region. I’m hoping this snow will melt and we will still have a golden Indian Summer.

Just as seasons change in nature, so do the times of our lives. Here on the northern prairie, we try hard to pack every lovely summer day with activities. Now, after a hectic summer, it’s time to bake some pies from fresh-picked apples and light the fireplace.

What are some of your favorite cozy activities? I’d love to hear from you.

The writer’s life also has seasons. Amber’s Choice was released in July after seasons of writing and editing. Since then, I’ve been working on marketing. Updating this website is one way to publicize my books. Carrie at Solutions Website Design created the website and now has refreshed it.

You’ll see a new banner at the top of the page. The prairie grass scene has been replaced by a new banner called “Prairie Praise.” The picture is by photographer Christy Brucks, who also took the cover photo of Amber’s Choice. I think both photos express the joy and hope found in nature. Find more of her photos on Facebook and at cbimagry on Instagram.

A Photo page was added to the website to host photos related to my historical novel, Secrets of the Dark Closet. I’ve shared these pictures when doing presentations, and am happy to make them available for everyone.

Another website change: You can now click on the picture of the three books and place an order with Amazon. The list of places in North Dakota where the books are available is also refreshed. The Christmas season will soon be here and books make great gifts!

The Blog remains the same Prairie Lighthouse. Today I found a post on from six years ago. In it, I talk about the Prairie Lighthouse Project, when churches across the state were invited to be lit and open on New Year’s Eve 1999 as we went into the new millennium. I could image God smiling down on our state that night and saying, “Look, little North Dakota is all lit up for Me!”

That was 20 years ago. I couldn’t have imagined the oil boom that has rocked our state since then. Today, there are satellite images of the western part of the state lit up with flares from oil wells. Also, back then, I didn’t know I’d write a novel about a young pastor and the prairie churches under his care. By the Banks of Cottonwood Creek first came out as an eBook in 2013. Amber’s Choice is its sequel.

The Prairie Lighthouse blog began as a way to offer people a beacon of hope and light. Although it sometimes more personal than purpose, it remains based on Psalm 119:105:

Thy word is a lamp to my feet, a light on my path.”

More than ever, I am convinced that the answers to life can be found in the Bible, and that we can put our confidence in God. Have you found this to be true? If not, check out the gospel of John, the Psalm and Proverbs.


The Bismarck Public Library Reader’s Voice book club chose Secrets of the Dark Closet for one of the eight books they are reading this year.

Writing Update & Book-Signing Schedule

Barnes & Noble, 1-3 p.m., October 19. South 7th Street in Bismarck

Touchmark on West Century, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., October 26. Bismarck

The Big One Art & Craft Fair, November 22-23, Bismarck Events Center












Mint Condition

Me and my grandson

This post is about my emotional trauma at turning 70 this summer, and the resurrection of Grandma Bessie’s mint plant.

First, the birthday. Sure, I’m grateful to be alive and in relatively good health. At the same time, turning 70 this past summer was tough. It was like falling into a stream and being unable to fight the current.

Keeping up appearances is getting harder all the time. Age may be a state of mind, but my body doesn’t know this. My weight stays about the same, but my body is sagging down, down. All of those funny cards about your boobs resting on your belly? They aren’t funny anymore.

Still, if there is a time to embrace your age, it might be 70. A cousin bought a ranch in Montana at age 70 and started over again. My mother worked until she was 73. Remember Miss Lillian, President Carter’s mother? She joined the Peace Corps at 75.

My third book, Amber’s Choice, was published the week I turned 70.   Perhaps this was my way to rebel against aging? Saint Paul encourage his followers to finish the race set before them. I’ll stay in the race as long as I can. Perhaps 70 is the line of demarcation between making a living and living a calling. These years of freedom from work obligations can be like the encore at the end of a concert, or like whipped cream on a dessert. I plan to keep writing.

Grandma Bessie’s mint and a visitor

Now, about that mint. Growing up at LaMoure meant stopping by Grandma Bessie Muir’s home at least once a week. I was very familiar with her large yard, and loved the mint that grew against the foundation of her house.

After Bessie died, I acquired a root of the mint when we bought a house in Bismarck. The plant did well. Years later, we moved to another home and transplanted it again.

When we moved two years ago, I was dismayed to leave Grandma’s mint behind. With four-foot snow drifts in the backyard, there wasn’t any way to dig up a plant. I mourned it’s loss.

Actually, I whined about it. After all, that mint was older than me, and my book about Grandma Bessie, Secrets of the Dark Closet, was about to be published.

That fall, my niece arrived from Minnesota with a root of Grandma Bessie’s mint plant. Thrilled, I put it in our tiny garden next to the foundation of the house and hoped it would survive winter.

The next spring the mint popped up and today it’s in “mint condition.” So far, it’s been served in lemonade, gifted to friends, and it helped squelch an invasion of ants. A grandson planted a root in a pot and it’s grown as big as a peony bush.

In other words, it’s older than me and still has a purpose.

Maybe that’s because it’s always been located close to a foundation that protects it. For we humans, the best foundation we can have is a friendship with Jesus. If we stay close to him, we can trust that he will be with us no matter what. In Matthew 28:20 he even said, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Hebrews 11 is considered the ultimate list of people of faith. One of them is Abraham’s wife, Sarah. Verse 11 states that, “Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him (Jesus) faithful who had promised.”

While most of us aren’t too keen on producing a child in our old age, we can be productive in other ways. I like the idea of pursuing a calling in my golden years.

 There are so many needs in the world. Organizations that need volunteers. Friends that need encouragement. Kids who need mentors.

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” Anne Frank


Writing Update

Wordsmiths Writers Group at Boneshaker Coffee Company

I had several interviews in August. The first was with radio station WMPC in Michigan. To listen to it, go to, click on Off the Bookshelf and find Amber’s Choice.

An interview that aired on KNDR-FM can be heard at Click on Interviews. Mine took place on August 21.

On August 12, I was the guest author on Lorrie Doman’s author blog. This interview can be found at  

Many thanks to each of these, and also to Christian Women of Aberdeen, where I spoke in August and to Boneshakers Coffee House here in Bismarck where I signed books a couple weeks ago.

Next up: Signing books at the Pie & Ice Cream Social at Memorial Park at Grand Rapids, N.D. this coming Sunday, Sept. 8.

Amber’s Choice is now available at bookstores across the state and at online bookstores everywhere.

Thank you to those who wrote Amazon reviews. Good book reviews are an important force for writers. Will you consider writing a review? It will be deeply appreciated.

Announcing Amber’s Choice

Checking the proof copy of Amber’s Choice

The doorbell rang on July 1st, announcing the arrival of the proof copy of my new novel, Amber’s Choice. I thumbed through every page, looking for errors in margins and gutters, trim size and bleeds. Ten areas in all. I didn’t read it again before pushing the button to approve distribution, for fear I’d beginning the editing process all over again.

By July 4, it was available online, so I announced it on Facebook. What a way to celebrate my 70th birthday.

Publishing a book is something like having a baby. The idea is conceived. It grows over time. Then you go into the most painful part, labor, aka publishing. Like labor, publishing is the part you hope to forget so you can enjoy your new baby. There are other correlations. Babies and books deeply represent who you are. Both require properly picked names. Their weight matters. You hope neither has birth defects and that everyone will love them as you do.

Here is what Amber’s Choice is about:

First, it’s a love story between Amber McLean and Kelly Jorgenson. They were both featured in my first novel, By the Banks of Cottonwood Creek, and this is a continuation of their story.

Secondly, it’s a story about God’s calling in their lives, and in our own lives. Our heavenly Father calls us each into a relationship with him. He is a good father who has good plans for our lives. But, we are flawed human beings. Our past and personality get in the way. Often, we have our own agenda or motives. In addition, the world pushes us to conform to its standards. And sometimes we aren’t aware of our call at all.

Thirdly, Amber’s Choice is about…choices. In the story, Amber literally and figuratively rides a roller coaster as she tries to decide if her loyalty belongs to her career, her family, or Kelly and her calling. She asks the question many people ask: can she really trust God with her future?

Thank You

Winds of Change by Christy Brucks

Since Amber’s Choice was started four years ago, I’ve spent hundreds of hours at a computer, just me and my mug of coffee—and some inspiring scriptures pinned to the bulletin board in front of me. Yet, I’m indebted to many people for help with publishing this book. Here are just a few: the members of Dakota Writers for weekly motivation and guidance. Julie Hendrickson who polished the manuscript. Korrine Lang and Cinnamon Schuck for superb proofreading skills. Christy Brucks, who supplied the beautiful cover photo. Consultant James Dillehay for getting it launched. I won’t forget your support and encouragement.

Where to Find Amber’s Choice

Amber’s Choice is available, along with By the Banks of Cottonwood Creek and Secrets of the Dark Closet, at online retailers everywhere. For an autographed copy, send me a request through this website. The book will be available through retail outlets and at book signing events later this summer.

Two Upcoming Events:

August 13 at the Christian Women of Aberdeen (S.D.) luncheon at the Ramkota.

September 8 at the Old Fashion Pie and Ice Cream Social at Memorial Park, Grand Rapids, N.D.

The Scriptures Over My Desk

“Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10. Sent by my good friend, Bonnie Haseleu

“Be confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in your will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Phil. 1:6 This is basically my mission statement.

“We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts.” This is the scripture theme for Amber’s Choice.

And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this.” Esther 4:14 This was on a card given out at Java Joy last fall.

Who says you have to like your president?

A headline in the Bismarck Tribune recently made me think of my brother’s favorite saying: “Who says you have to like your job?”

Glen enjoying a cup of coffee.

His words usually came after listening to his nephews, and probably his sons, complain about their jobs. Long hours, hard work, low pay! Glen, a man of few words, would give them some time to get things off their chests, and then he would ask, “Who says you have to like your job?”

His logic and example probably ended a few conversations. Glen was born during the Depression, and grew up in a place and time where jobs were hard to find. He planted trees for the county, ran a road grader, and later began a small contracting business. If you needed a 60-foot tree taken down, a house demolished, a road built, Glen was your guy. He and his wife ran the business, and many of those sons and nephews worked for him at one time or another. I sure miss his wisdom and humor.

The newspaper headline that reminded me of Glen was this: “Unemployment falls to lowest rate since 1969” by AP writer Christopher Rugaber. The story states that the 3.9 percent unemployment rate is the best in 49 years. It reflects a healthy economy driven by strong consumer and business spending. Employers are having trouble filling openings. They’re having to raise starting wages. In addition, the Dow Jones is at an all-time high at 26,000. The low unemployment rate among Black and Hispanic people is particularly noteworthy.

On the international front, the U.S. has feared the irrational North Korean leader, Kim Jung-Un, who seemed to enjoy lobbing missiles at us and our allies. If you look at a satellite map of the world, you can pick out the two countries. The U.S. is the large one with all of the lights. North Korea is a small black hole, because even electricity is considered a luxury there. Since the surprising June meeting between our president and Kim Jung-Un, a.k.a. Rocket Man, a peace treaty is being negotiated.

The U.S. flag in front of the North Dakota Capitol Building

We are also strengthening our ties with Israel. Doesn’t it makes sense to support the only democracy in the Middle East? Plus, Israel’s outstanding achievements are making our lives easier. Everything from geothermal power, to turning salt water into drinkable water, to developing the cherry tomato can be credited to this nation. With only .11 percent of the world population, they have received over 20 percent of the Nobel prizes. On top of that, the Bible says in Genesis 12: 3 that God will bless those who bless Israel.

More sensational and less important things make the headlines these days. The story about the unemployment rate was at the bottom of page B9. We mostly hear about people who are offended and angry, or are paid to protest because they are offended and angry. (Think about it. Can you afford to give up your job, and pay for travel and hotels in order to join protests across the country?)

So, with apologies to my brother, here is a paraphrase of his unshakable logic: Who says you have to like your president?

This is not meant to be a political piece, but an appeal. Look beyond the sensational headlines. We (US) are gaining back strength and self-confidence as a nation.

Writing Update

The sequel to By the Banks of Cottonwood Creek is still a work in progress.

In November, I’m excited to share a booth at The Big One Craft Fair at the Bismarck Event Center with Carol Schuck and April Schmidt.  Carol makes beautiful centerpieces and April has her own line of essential oils and other natural products. I’ll be signing copies of both of my books there, but remember they are also available online.





Five Generations of Music

Recently we attended our grandson Benjamin Schuck’s Senior Recital, performed on a grand piano before a full house. It was a summit he reached after 11 years of spending time each day at the piano or keyboard.

The program had his name at the top and included a story he wrote about his musical journey. He had composed an original piece, Toubaki Petals, so his name was listed with some famous composers, like Faber, Chopin and Glass.

Other kids performed, including our other grandsons, Solomon and Jonathan.  We were so proud of them. However, it was Ben’s night.

And Elizabeth’s. The event made me think of where the music began in the Schuck family. While my husband’s father, Clements, was known as a musician, perhaps it was his mother Elizabeth Geffre Schuck that taught him how to play in the first place.

My only memory of the first Elizabeth Schuck (her daughter-in-law and a granddaughter were also named Elizabeth) was after Larry and I were married. She came to the farm for Easter dinner and gave each of her grandchildren a small gift of money, including me. She died a few months later.

Elizabeth lived most of her life on the windblown Dakota prairies. As a married woman, she hauled pails of water to the house to cook and wash clothes, worked in the fields and milked cows. When her husband left, she moved to a little house in Aberdeen.

In the midst of that hardscrabble life, she fostered beauty. Her wedding dress was fit for a princess. She also did fine needlework, and Larry and his sister recall that their faith grew when they stayed at her house.

Clem with his mother Elizabeth

However, it was her music that was passed from generation to generation. Elizabeth  had a piano in her farmhouse, and she taught her son Clem to play. Along with the piano, he played saxophone, accordion, and organ. He played in a church band, and for a time traveled with Lawrence Welk’s band.

Later, while raising 12 kids and managing a farm at LaMoure, N.D., Clem had a lot to deal with, but at the end of the day, he’d let go of his worries by sitting at his Wurlitzer organ and filling the house with waltzes and polkas.

Like his father, Larry likes to play music in the evenings, although his instrument of choice is the guitar and his music is 50s and country western. He’s played in church bands for decades. Our sons took piano lessons, played sax and clarinet in the school band, and one played bass in a church band for years.

At the recital, the talent displayed by Ben and his brothers would have made Elizabeth proud. It certainly made his parents and grandparents bust some buttons.

There are some lessons to learn from this this simple woman of the prairie. Elizabeth taught the gift of music, stitched beauty with her own hands, passed along her faith, and was generous to her grandchildren. Maybe for all of us, it’s enough to follow her example, plant good in the lives of others and leave the rest in God’s hands.










Note: Elizabeth likely never met my grandmother, Bessie Kloubec Muir, however they were contemporaries, born in 1887 and 1888, respectively. Both moved to North Dakota and married in 1907. Bessie died in August 1966 and Elizabeth a year later. Because Bessie’s son documented so much of her early life, I ended up writing a historical fiction story about her called Secrets of the Dark Closet.


Writing Update!

Here is where I’ll be in the next few weeks:

August 23. Fargo Barnes & Noble from 6-8 p.m. Local/Regional Author Event. Here’s your chance to browse the store, meet several local authors and purchase signed copies of By the Banks of Cottonwood Creek or Secrets of the Dark Closet.

September 6. Joy International’s Java Joy meeting at Boneshaker Coffee Company at 1501 Mapleton Ave., Bismarck, ND. At 6:30 p.m. Motto is “Women experiencing fresh faith, new hope, real love.”

September 13. A special presentation for the Christian Women’s Club Brunch Group at 9:30 a.m. at the Eagles Club, 323 N. 26th Street, Bismarck. For reservations call 223-2177.


“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27: 14





Swept up in the Joy of Spring

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Harmsen’s Greenhouse at LaMoure

June is busting out all over! And boy, do we who live up here on the prairie appreciate it. After a long winter, everything is now green, green, green. This May, the apple and chokecherry trees had bumper crops of blossoms. The lilacs opened en masse.

As soon as greenhouses were stocked, dozens of carts rolled through the aisles piled high with pots of alyssum, daisies, geraniums, petunias and every imaginable veggie plant.

We were pleased to be out there pushing carts, too. Last year at this time, we had just moved, and there were Bobcats roaring around the house moving dirt and rocks. This year, we’re pleased to have actual grass and weeds.

Swept up in the joy of spring, I joined the Bismarck-Mandan Garden Club, and in a weak moment, the Daylily Club. These organizations are filled with Master Gardeners. You can pick out their homes by the wonderful landscaping and quality blooms in their yards.

Since I’ve only successfully grown one Daylily, I question whether I deserve to be a member in good standing. Also, last year four out of my six new rose bushes died. Still, wearing a new pair of garden gloves and fancy sandals, I’m determined to make our postcard-sized yard beautiful.

Of the two remaining rose bushes, one was up right away this spring, while the other slept in. I’m happy to say they’re doing fine and one is blooming! In fact, in the past two weeks, most of our garden has been growing.

I say most of it, because of the green beans. They came up right away, then disappeared. It seems some of our wilder neighbors (rabbits) like them for breakfast. Then there are the chukars. These brown Hungarian partridges thrive in Bismarck. While they’re shy, they aren’t afraid to stroll across our patio and wallow in the garden dirt. Nothing is growing in their favorite spot.

Now, we’re working on the front yard. We dug in an old-fashioned rose bush, a short row of Hostas, and Daylilies! (Purchased from A Garden Club member.) Each plant has a name attached. I only hope to be organized enough to remember which plant is which.

I’m having trouble with other parts of this landscaping business, too. For some reason, we sold our nice outdoor table and chairs, but our aging picnic table survived the move. I wrote a sad tale about it last year. It was a center of outdoor activities for our family for decades. The night it was hauled away was a low point in the moving process.

Well, surprise! It went to our son’s garage, survived the moving sale, and showed up at our twin home. Now, the darn thing needs another coat of paint.

Also, the view outside my office/guest bedroom window is of the utility wall of the tall, beige house next door. There is nothing inspirational about it. Wouldn’t a trellis with climbing roses or grape vines look nice there?

I didn’t mention this to anyone, so it seemed like an answered prayer when friends offered us a wrought iron archway. We went to look at it. With a little sanding and a fresh coat of paint, it would be lovely.

We didn’t realize how big it was until our friend delivered it. It’s eight feet high, with a five-foot wide gate. We soon realized that the small space outside my window is too narrow and sloped to hold the behemoth, even though it would be cemented in the ground. It would look a little strange in the back yard because we have a rock wall right behind the house. In other words, the dream archway is turning into a nightmare.

As I’m swept up in the joys and trials of spring, I’m also trying to pause to smell the flowers. Noticing the beauty around us and counting our blessings every day can add happiness to our lives and the lives of others.

I Thessalonians 5: 18 says, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” It is one of many Bible verses that has been proven true by science. It really is healthy to have a thankful heart.

That said, I’m thankful for you, my readers, as the Prairie Lighthouse Blog begins its fourth year. Blessings to all of you.

Writing Update

I’ll be at the Downtown Arts Market in Jamestown on June 14 from 5-9 p.m. Please stop by if you are able to attend. Both of my books, By the Banks of Cottonwood Creek and Secrets of the Dark Closet will be available.

Mother’s Day Musings

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Mother’s Day isn’t just about moms, it’s also a wonderful time to honor other women who influence our lives. Alice was one of those people.

I met Alice when my brother brought her to the farm to meet our parents. It was a winter night and I was seven years old. Glen, my nearest sibling in age, was probably 20 at the time. Alice was an 18-year-old beauty, with long dark hair and a pixie nose.

Other young women might have ignored the little waif who approached with a coloring book and crayons, but not Alice. She gave me her full attention, even coloring a couple pages in my book. I’ve adored her ever since.

She and Glen married and moved to Virginia, where he was stationed with the Army. A couple years later, they came back to North Dakota to raise a family.

Alice was kind, talented, and fearless. Fearless, except for one time. We had taken the BB gun out to the pasture to shoot gophers. For the record, I don’t think we actually hit any. However, we did draw the interest of some cattle. Suddenly a whole herd of bulls was stampeding over a hill toward us. We ran for our lives. Alice leaped over the barbed wire fence and then pulled me to safety.

When we told the rest of the family about our adventure, they just laughed. They said the “herd of bulls” were just some curious and harmless yearlings. (I’m still not convinced.)

For a while, Glen and Alice lived in a storefront building in LaMoure that had been made into apartments. By this time, Mom, Dad and I also lived in town. Both of my parents worked full time. I was nine and sometimes stayed with Alice.

One hot summer day she learned that I’d never had a chocolate malt, so she gave me a quarter and sent me up the street to the Dairy Bar. That malt was so good. I slurped it down and said I could drink another one, never dreaming she’d give me a second quarter and insist I get a second malt. And, no, that one didn’t go down as fast.

Eventually they moved onto the home place. At age 10, I was already sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee with Alice and my sister, while their boys played outside. Sometimes we’d pile all the kids in the backseat and explore an abandoned farm or go shopping at a nearby town.

One of my favorite memories is of Alice strumming her guitar and singing. She had a husky voice and perfect pitch. I never hear the song, “Me and Bobby McGee” without thinking of her. When I became a teenager, Alice was the one adult I could talk to. She listened to my teenage traumas and always had sound wisdom for me.

Later, Larry and I married and lived in the old house on his family’s farm. We thought we’d stay forever. We’d be just a few miles from Alice and Glen and I could imagine afternoons spent with Alice, tackling projects or just drinking coffee.

Alice and me a couple years ago

However, it wasn’t to be. After two disastrous farming years, we moved away so Larry could go to school and begin a career. When his family farm was sold, the new owners hired Glen to bulldoze down the old house. That is a poignant memory.

As time went on, their kids grew up and moved away. Glen died at age 59 and Alice was left alone on the farm. Her independence showed. She had some cattle at first. Kept a big garden. Lived through winter storms without electricity. Helped her neighbors and her kids. Was a fan of my books.

We’ve had family in Dean township since 1904, but for the last 25 years, Alice held the position alone. That ended in 2017 when, frail and on oxygen, she finally admitted she couldn’t live alone on the farm any more.

Alice passed away this month. She wasn’t much for anything showy and she didn’t want any fuss over her departure, such as being written about in a blog. However, she is likely playing a heavenly guitar right now and won’t care what is happening back here.

So happy Mother’s Day, Alice. I hope the story of your faith, kindness and strength will inspire others.


“Serve wholeheartedly as though you were serving the Lord and not people.” Ephesians 6: 7 NIV

Many other women have also encouraged, influenced and guided me along the way–enough to fill a book! Do you have a special “Alice” in your life? I’d love to hear your story.


I’m busy working on Chapter 23 of “Amber’s Choice” and the poor girl is really up against it at this moment. Have you ever had to make a decision that will alter your life forever? That’s what Amber is facing and I can’t wait to see what she decides.

On May 21, I will talk about my writing at St. Gabriel’s here in Bismarck. Also looking at some other engagements and craft fairs this summer.





Goodbye Sears

If you receive this by email, please click on the title of the post to go to the website.

The Sears store in Bismarck is closing. I think it’s worth a blog post to offer a tribute to one of the retail wonders of the 20th century.

When I was a kid, the Sears and Roebuck catalogue arrived regularly every spring, fall and Christmas. I’d spend hours looking through each section. The Christmas catalog was also known as the “wish book.” You could order almost anything from the Sears catalog, kind of like ordering from Amazon today.

Living in a rural area, we depended on mail order to purchase everything from shoes to overalls. Oh, Sears had competition from others, such as Montgomery Wards, affectionately known as “Monkey Wards,” but it ruled. We also had small Sears store in towns where we shopped.

I do remember seeing the big Sears store in Bismarck for the first time. I was 12 and the leaders of the Happy Hustlers 4-H Club took two carloads of girls to see the State Capitol in Bismarck. Note: We didn’t have seatbelts, so you could squeeze quite a few little bodies into the backseat.

The Sears department store was on Main Avenue and Fourth Street. It had huge plate glass windows, and a brick and black marble front. There were three stories of clothes, furniture and appliances. The ceilings were tin and looked like a wedding cake.

Eventually Sears moved north to the new Gateway Mall. After I married and we moved to Bismarck, I made many trips across town to the store. Sears sold Toughskin jeans, which had a lifetime guarantee on the knees. I had two active sons. The knees on the jeans would last two or three weeks, and I’d go and trade them in for a new pair.

Later, my first job in Bismarck was at Sears. I dressed up several times a week and drove across town for a 3-hour shift ordering draperies for customers and pricing towels. I was working the day President Reagan was shot. The department was around the corner from the television section, so when I wasn’t busy, I’d watch the unfolding developments. After a few months, I found a job with better hours that was located much closer to home.

There was a time when Sears, Penney’s and Montgomery Wards were prominent in the Dakotas. Today, Wards is completely gone and Bismarck has one of the few Penney’s stores in the state. Sears has been struggling for some time. Getting rid of the ever-popular Craftsman tools was a real sign that the store was on shaky ground, and it got so they had so little staff, that you had to hunt for a clerk.

The other day, we stopped by the store for a last look. Another couple was walking out as we walked in.

I looked around and said, “This is sad.”

The woman nodded. “I’m sorry I came,” she said.

It was a little like walking around the estate sale of an old friend. Goodbye Sears, you will be missed.

Writing Update

This past month, the plan was to work every day on Amber’s Choice, the sequel to By the Banks of Cottonwood Creek. The reality has been I needed to spend the time pulling together a presentation. While it came together slowly, I’m certainly happy with the end product. Happy, because it’s fun to talk about writing Cottonwood and my historical novel, Secrets of the Dark Closet. But more than that, the presentation is about passing on your family values. 

Life for younger generations is way different now than it was in the 20th Century. What that really means is people need hope and encouragement more than ever. The talk, “Cottonwood Tales,” includes a PowerPoint presentation. I used it for the first time at the Spring Breakfast at the Bismarck Senior Center this past week.

For information about scheduling a presentation, please email me at [email protected]. Meanwhile, I’ll be spending more time with Amber McLean. She has some interesting choices to make, and when I left her, she was in a very awkward position. I can’t wait to see how she gets out of this predicament.

Happy Spring!

I Can Only Imagine

As much as we joke about going to Boot Hill someday or tell stories about St. Peter guarding the gates of heaven, when death comes for a loved one, it’s no laughing matter.

It’s been a long winter for our family. In October, my 58-year-old niece died unexpectedly. No one should die before their life’s work is complete. In January, my husband’s sister died after two lengthy illnesses. Thirty days later, another sister’s husband died. He was my age. The slippery slope of declining health had already changed family dynamics. It’s been years since we all packed up our kids and went to the river for a day of grilled burgers and raucous water fights. It’s even been a long time since we’ve spent a big, noisy Christmas together. The deaths still hurt.

With each goodbye, we try to imagine what happens when we die. We wonder, what is heaven like? Will we see our loved ones again? How can we know for certain what happens when we die?

The answer to these questions is Easter! Easter is the most important and oldest festival of the Christian Church, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It separates Christianity from every other religion. Other beliefs teach that we must work our way to heaven, but Christians believe Jesus did the work for us.

Sadly, many people believe in God and try to lead good lives, but they miss this truth. They don’t know where they will spend eternity. But we can know, and when we understand what Jesus did for us, that truth will fill us with hope and joy.

This month, a fine man and great evangelist died. Billy Graham shared one message throughout his career, what Jesus said in John 3: 16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

It’s that simple:

  1. Believe that Jesus carried our sins to the cross.
  2. Humbly admit that you can’t save yourself.
  3. Accept his free gift of salvation.

The days leading up to Easter are a wonderful time for soul searching. We clean our houses in anticipation of the holiday. Why not also get rid of our lingering doubts about what happens when we die? Take God’s Word to heart.

The movie, “I Can Only Imagine” just opened. This is a powerful true story of singer songwriter Bart Millard of the band, MercyMe. The movie had me gripping the arm of my seat and stuffing back tears, as well as laughing. The movie is based on the song “I Can Only Imagine,” the best-selling Christian song of all time.

Why is it so popular? Because Millard envisions what heaven will be like. The movie and song are both infused with the hope and truth we need so badly in this old world. (Check out the movie and song with a keyword search of “I can only imagine.”)

So, let’s take a step of faith and believe that Jesus paid the price for us to spend eternity in heaven. It’s that simple. Then we will find the joy that Jesus’s followers had on that first Easter Morning. With them, we will be able to say,

He is Risen! He has Risen Indeed!  


Writing Update

Speaking of Easter, one of my favorite chapters in Secrets of the Dark Closet is the family’s Easter in 1899. Get your copy online, or send me an email to obtain a signed copy.

I’m working on the sequel to By the Banks of Cottonwood Creek and the characters have become very real to me. This morning I admired a friend’s cape and told her that Amber just bought a cape. Fortunately, my friend has read Cottonwood and knows Amber.           

On April 5, I’ve been invited to speak at women’s spring breakfast at the Senior  Center in Bismarck. I’m excited to share stories about writing in a talk entitled “Cottonwood Tales.”

Your Heart Matters!



February hosts both Valentine’s Day and Heart-Health Month, so here is a little test for you to take:

  1. What is the hardest working muscle in your body? The heart. It pumps out 2 ounces of blood at every heartbeat or at least 2,500 gallons daily. It can beat over 3 billion times in a person’s life.
  2. What modern conveniences cause the most problems to the heart? In one study of nearly 30,000 people in 52 countries, those who owned both a car and TV had a 27% higher risk of heart attack than those who owned neither.
  3. How big is your heart? The average heart weighs 7-15 ounces and is a little larger than your fist.
  4. When did your heart start beating? It began beating about 22 days after you were conceived.
  5. True or False: Hearts can literally break. True. The shock and stress of bereavement is hard on your heart. The risk of having a heart attack appears to decline as grief subsides.

Dr. Caroline Leaf has spent her life researching the brain. She has found a link between the brain and the heart. In her book Who Switched Off My Brain, one of the steps to detoxing the brain is to tune into your heart.

Dr. Leaf says: “It’s not just poets who consider the heart as the source of love. Research shows that the heart considers and “thinks” about information it receives from the brain. This implies the heart has opinions of its own. It acts as a still, small voice that checks out our thoughts for accuracy, integrity and wisdom.”

She goes on to say, “Your heart is not just a pump. It’s your body’s strongest biological oscillator, which means it has the ability to pull every other system of the body into its own rhythm. When the heart is at peace and is filled with love, the entire body under the direction of the brain feels peace and love as well. The converse is also true. When your thought life is filled with toxic emotions, your heart is heavy and burdens your body and mind. In effect, your heart amplifies what is going on in the brain.”

Science is learning a lot about what makes the heart tick and how to keep it healthy. However, it is only catching up with what the Bible has always stated. There are over 300 Bible verses about the heart. Here is some biblical advice from the Proverbs, which were written between 950-700 B.C.:

Proverbs 4: 23: “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”

Proverbs 15: 13: “A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.”

Proverbs: 15: 30: “A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.”

Proverbs: 17: 22: “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

The Psalms mention the heart many times. Here are two verses that explain what happens to our hearts when we trust God, instead of being worried or angry.

  1. Psalm 37: 4: “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
  2. Psalm 112: 8: “His heart is secure, he will have no fear; in the end he will look in triumph on his foes.”

In more modern times, Jesus said “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me.” That’s John 14: 1, by the way.

The choice is ours. If we choose to count our blessings every day, gratitude to God will flood our hearts, for even though we face trouble, we are still incredibly blessed. Another way to encourage our hearts is to sing. (Yes, sing aloud.) Pick a favorite hymn or praise song and belt it out. This encourage our brains, as well as our hearts.

The result will be, “The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4: 7.


May you have a happy heart today

and every day!


Writing Update: If you purchased or received a copy of Secrets of the Dark Closet in November or December, I would love to hear from you. 

This winter I am back to working on the sequel to By the Banks of Cottonwood Creek. The new book will again feature Kelly Jorgenson, but Amber Rose McLean is the main character. I’m having fun with chapter titles such as A Small Box of Chocolates, Snow Angel, and Little Flower of Lent.