Self-talk got me in hot water

DSCN0887 (2)Last week’s Prairie Lighthouse post got me in some hot water.

After talking about the importance of positive self-talk, I was put to the test! I felt like I was sloshing around in a washer full of hot water, followed by the spin cycle! There wasn’t much time to give myself a pep talk. Does that ever happen to you?

Then a couple days ago, I received some encouraging words. I appreciate every single person who writes to me after reading the Prairie Lighthouse blog, but Barbara is special because she has been my publishing consultant for the last couple years. She tells me the truth, even when it hurts! So when she had nice things to say about last week’s post, I soaked up (pardon the pun) the praise. She wrote:

“Gayle . . I want to comment specifically on a couple of your recent posts, beginning with the one you wrote for Father’s Day, which was very touching in light of the great love and respect my sisters and I had for our father. Tying parental love with the relationship we need to have with our heavenly father was perfect… I’ve shared (my parents) love story and years together in the family memoir I started a couple of years ago and hope one day to actually finish and publish…There’s a lot to be said in the value of coming from roots like mine: hard-working parents who raised us with Godly values and a strong work ethic.

The post that finally pushed me to take the time to respond was “Talking to Myself.” And what a perfect subtitle! In my Homemade Money book, I wrote a piece about the importance of looking in the mirror and talking to yourself positively when you felt you were facing something too difficult to do. I recall so many times of doing that when I was struggling to build my business, and I still look in the mirror now and talk to myself, sometimes to congratulate or encourage myself…and other times to ream myself out…hoping that this will leave a stronger reminder in my brain…

I’m so glad we met, and I wish you many successful years of writing and finding an appreciative audience. I look forward to your next book. I just popped over to your website and see you have a wonderful new 5-star review that posted on Monday. Way to go! God bless you, Barbara”

There you have it! Barbara’s email is a reminder that our words are SO important. They can either encourage or discourage others, as well as ourselves. To Barbara and the rest of the Prairie Lighthouse readers, here is a thought that I hope will encourage you in the coming week, even if you find yourself in hot water:

“A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” Proverbs 11: 24.

And that’s a promise!

About gayleschuck